Campaign & Leadership Development Fund!


 DRUM is a non-profit 501(c)3 and contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Our communties of working class immigrant and undocumented workers continue to grapple with the impacts of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and numerous other social, health, and economic crises which have come about due to the governments disinvestment in services to meet our basic human needs and support our survival.  DRUM launched the "Building Power & Safety Through Solidarity" Campaign during 2020 which continues to provide a practical, accessible, and participatory program for building community power while also meeting the material needs of our community.  The Campaign & Leadership Development Fund provides stipends to DRUM members taking on roles in DRUM Campaigns for racial, immigrant, economic, educational, worker and gender justice.


*Click here if you would like to donate to The DRUM Member Emergency Fund which provides direct aid to DRUM members including but not limited to costs related to food, healthcare, housing, etc. (Not tax-deductible).


(Consider becomming a weekly, monthly, or yearly sustainer to build our work for the years to come!)



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